
Common Myths About Selling...

Here are a few common myths we've heard about selling your home... enjoy!

1/ Estate Agents are just professional door openers.

While we are admittedly quite good at opening doors, there’s so much behind-the-scenes work that goes into a successful sale. However – we don’t consider ourselves salesmen, but rather a marketing team. Our job is to facilitate an environment to get you the best price. I.e., Matching the right buyers with our presentation (Accurate and appealing Videography & Photography), and a clever pricing strategy. And if they decide they want to buy the property, ethically curate an environment to get the best possible price.

2/ “Once a buyer is found, the agent just sits back and collects their commission!”

  • More often than not, finding the buyer is the “easy” bit... what comes next is what keeps us awake until 12 most nights.
  • From offer accepted through to exchange is essentially a road of land mines.
  • We (the agent) will be on your side talking you through the conveyancing process
  • It’s one of the reasons we are ‘no sale no fee’

3/ “The longer you’re on the market, the greater the chance of achieving our optimistic price!”

  • Nope.
  • Obviously in falling or cold markets, being on the market a little longer than normal might be something you have to fight through.
  • But, if you get your marketing right those first few weeks are your golden opportunity.
  • After this, time on the market becomes your enemy. Buyers will only pay their max under a competitive environment... Simple as that.

4/ “The Estate Agent that valued my house the highest must be the best at their job”

  • The main goal of those valuation appointments, for many an agent, is simply to win your business. One of the ways they can do that is by giving you a number that makes you happy/excited.
  • One reason for this is due to many agencies’ internal indicators of success. I.e. in their morning meetings, they have to hit a certain number of new instructions... what’s an easy way to do this? Promise the seller a price they get excited about and deal with the consequences later.
  • This means your property launch could be sabotaged from the get-go – leading to price reduction after price reduction until you reluctantly accept or withdraw from the market.

5/ “Always need to leave a bit of wiggle room on top of your listing price because the buyers will always offer less.”

  • Definitely not.
  • With the right market launch strategy, interest will come, and buyers will have no problem paying at or above the listed price. (we’ve got the evidence to prove it)
  • By adding the typical ‘wiggle room’ as a buffer, all you do is hinder the effectiveness of that initial launch and lead to less or no interest.

What else have you heard? Our goal is to bust the myths and make the process of selling your house more transparent and easier to understand.