Who we are & how we do stuff.


Our strategy

Openness, honesty,
and empathy
Price Tag/Pricing Strategy
An intelligent
pricing strategy
Coffee Cup
Good coffee
House Sale
Loads of interest,
and multiple offers

averages from 2021


Days to sell


Viewings per property


Offers per property


Sold over guide price


of the guide price


We don’t ‘sell’ properties

For years the Estate Agency industry has relied on a few things… 1) The company Rolodex 2) Print & Radio Ads and 3) A team of agents you’ve trained to try and ‘persuade’ people to view properties and up sell mortgages.

The world has changed – communication and the way people search and buy properties wasn’t immune. The only trouble is… a lot of the industry are still using 1, 2 & 3.

Sure, they may use Rightmove, OnTheMarket and the like – they may have even started a company Instagram and Facebook – but their property marketing strategy is still an attempt to take the outdated template of the former and jam it into the latter. Square peg, round hole.

The days of ‘get a property instruction, put it on Rightmove (badly) and “see what happens”’ (aka the List & Hope method) are over.

The List & Hope (normally followed by a price reduction) isn‘t the way to get the best market price for your property. Most of the time we’re putting the price UP.

We don’t sell properties. It was only when we stopped ‘selling’ that we were able to develop our approach that consistently gets quick results, without compromising on price.

We build attraction to the property without selling falsities, hiding problems, avoiding questions or coercing people into paying more than they can afford. We work with our clients to diligently and creatively take properties TO the market, creating ethically focussed competitive environments with the right people.

Who we are

Meet the team


Simon Spicer

I took the plunge into Estate Agency 20 years ago - starting in an Independent and then moving into the Corporate world to get a full scope.

In that time the world changed a hell-of-a-lot… but Estate Agents didn’t. I saw an opportunity to do things differently. I ditched the suit & tie and began to pave my own way of doing things.

In the 9 years of doing so, I developed a strategy that works wonders. (even pipped Bournemouth Best Estate Agent 9 years running - thank you for that, I’m proud of it.)

Marketing manager

Sol Welch

I've 'trained' in marketing for the last 4 ish years but I'm a firm believer you either understand people or you don't and that's 99% of the job.

My job is 1/4 getting people to know about Simon & Co, 1/2 getting the right people to know about your property and another 1/4 of stuff you'd probably find boring.

I'm learning to be an Estate Agent at the same time and loving it.


Martin Jeffery

As a self-employed portrait photographer looking to add an extra string to my bow, it was Simon who taught me how to professionally photograph properties. My/our approach is always to present properties realistically so that potential buyers have a very good feel for a property before they decide to step foot in it – it’s very important not to hide things or give a false impression.

I met Simon in 2015 when he sold my property, so I was already familiar with his refreshing approach; we share the same ethos and methodology, making us a very good fit for one another, and I’m proud to be involved in his vision of what modern estate agency should look like.
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